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Strengthening partnerships, building student success … DMC – Coastal Bend Superintendents Symposium focused on Dual Enrollment among region’s high school students





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Del Mar College dual enrollment students comprise nearly 30 percent of student population with record-setting participation this fall; ISDs and College explore ways to increase dual enrollment to prepare region’s high school students for productive, well-p

Article by Melinda Eddleman

They make up nearly 30 percent of Del Mar College’s student enrollment, and they’re already on their way to earning college-level credits toward licensure credentialing through Continuing Education program, certificates or associate degrees within academic program or DMC credits transferable to a Texas public university before they even finish high school. In fact, the credits they earn as DMC Dual Enrollment students show up on a Del Mar transcript and also count toward their graduating from high school.

DMC President and CEO Mark Escamilla_Superintendents Symposium_110824

Del Mar College President and Chief Executive Officer Dr. Mark Escamilla addresses over 100 superintendents and staff from 26 Coastal Bend independent school districts during a Nov. 8, 2024, Superintendents Symposium on the Oso Creek Campus. DMC administrators discussed the College’s Dual Enrollment program, focusing on how the program impacts regional students attending nearly 50 high schools among the 43 primary education partners participating with the program. (Credit: DMC College Relations)

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Over 100 Coastal Bend superintendents and staff representing 26 out of the 43 education partners participating with Del Mar College’s Dual Enrollment program attended DMC’s Superintendents Symposium on Nov. 8, 2024, at the Oso Creek Campus. Dual Enrollment students, who are high school students taking college credit courses or Continuing Education courses that stack toward college credits, make up nearly 30 percent of the student population. Fall 2024 enrollment includes nearly 5,300 Dual Enrollment students, a record-setting number since the program began. (Credit: DMC College Relations)

On Nov. 7, Dual Enrollment students currently from 43 partnering Coastal Bend independent school districts as well as future students in the program were the subject of discussion between Del Mar College administrators and area superintendents during a Superintendents Symposium at the Oso Creek Campus. Presentations focused on strengthening DMC-ISD relationships, building more Dual Enrollment student success outcomes and improving ways to provide curriculum and training targeting in-demand workforce needs.

We’ve seen a new era of growth and transformation at Del Mar College for the past several years, including renovation and construction that modernizes the institution to serve new generations of students, including those currently in high school. Our enrollment among credit and Continuing Education programs has grown this semester, and Dual Enrollment participation this fall reached a record-setting figure with nearly 5,300 regional high school students taking courses from Del Mar College.

Dr. Mark Escamilla, Del Mar College President and Chief Executive Officer

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Leonard Rivera_left_and Conrado Garacia_Superintendents Symposium_DMC Oso Creek Campus_110824

Del Mar College Associate Vice President of Continuing Education & Off-Campus Programs Dr. Leonard Rivera (left) shakes hands with Conrado Garcia, Superintendent in Residence at Del Mar College, before taking the podium to address over 100 representatives from 26 Coastal Bend education partners during a Superintendents Symposium on Nov. 8, 2024. College administrators covered the impact that the DMC Dual Enrollment program provides in preparing high school students for the future as they earn both high school and college credits that count toward their high school graduation. Dual Enrollment students also include those who take Continuing Education courses for Marketable Skills Awards leading to licensure certification as well as stackable credits toward DMC academic programs. (Credit: DMC College Relations)

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During the Nov. 8, 2024, Superintendents Symposium held by Del Mar College on the Oso Creek Campus, students representing Flour Bluff, London, Robstown, St. John Paul II and West Oso High Schools presented a panel discussion and provided those attending the event with insight into why they’re taking Dual Enrollment courses from Del Mar College. Robert Montez (standing at podium), Director of DMC Early College Programs, led the panel by asking questions and then giving each student the opportunity to respond. (Credit: DMC College Relations)

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Del Mar College Culinary Arts students stand in the background while attendees eat the Greek cuisine they prepared for the College’s Superintendents Symposium on Nov. 8, 2024, in the Culinary Arts Building on the Oso Creek Campus. The symposium focused on the College’s Dual Enrollment program and its impact on preparing Coastal Bend high school students for the region’s future workforce. (Credit: DMC College Relations)

Del Mar College prides itself as being our region’s pioneer and leader in offering Dual Enrollment opportunities to high schools in the Coastal Bend. The College is student-centered in everything we provide our Dual Enrollment participants – whether it’s supporting students with academic advising, guiding them through the entire admissions and registration process or giving 24/7 tutoring support to ensure their success. We’re here for them!

Dr. Leonard Rivera, Associate Vice President of DMC Continuing Education & Off-Campus Programs

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Benjamin Molina_left_and Kaelin Lott_High School Student Panel_Superintendents Symposium_110824

Benjamin Molina_left_and Kaelin Lott_High School Student Panel_Superintendents Symposium_110824

After Dr. Rivera’s remarks, students from Flour Bluff, London, Robstown, St. John Paul II and West Oso High Schools presented a panel discussion, providing education leaders with insight into why they’re taking Dual Enrollment courses from Del Mar College. All five panelists agreed that future high school students should learn about the program sooner and the opportunities available that give participants a head start, building a foundation toward their careers.

Previously, Dr. Rivera shared data showing that among students who took DMC Dual Enrollment courses during high school, 42 percent completed a college award such as a certificate or associate degree within four years after their high school graduation. And, almost one-third of the College’s Dual Enrollment students earned a bachelor’s degree.

“College degree completion rates among our Dual Enrollment students are well above those high school students who did not participate in our program,” he noted.

Dual Enrollment students are always top-of-mind as part of Del Mar College’s mission as we provide accessible, quality education and training that leads to their success as productive members of the Coastal Bend’s workforce not only to support quality of life for themselves but for others in their community.

Dr. Leonard Rivera, Associate Vice President of DMC Continuing Education & Off-Campus Programs

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Stairway Group Shot_Superintendents Symposium_DMC Oso Creek Campus_110824

Coastal Bend superintendents and staff, along with Del Mar College administrators, fill the Culinary Arts Building stairway, second floor raining and bottom of the stairs after the Nov. 8 Superintendents Symposium held by the College. Over 100 representatives from 26 of the 43 education partners attended the event to hear more about DMC’s Dual Enrollment program, the impact made on high school student participants and how the College intends to expand its efforts to reach younger students to encourage a college-minded culture around the region. (Credit: DMC College Relations)

About Del Mar College

Del Mar College empowers students to achieve their dreams. We offer quality programs, individual attention, outstanding instruction through faculty with real-world experience and affordable costs to credit and noncredit students in Corpus Christi and the South Texas Coastal Bend area. Nationally recognized while locally focused, we’re ranked in the top two percent of community colleges in the country granting associate degrees to Hispanic students (Community College Week). Del Mar College focuses on offering our students programs that match current or emerging career opportunities. Whether students are interested in the fine arts, sciences, business, occupational or technical areas, students get the education they need for the future they want at Del Mar College.

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