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Nearly $314,000 Texas Workforce Commission JET grant expanding Del Mar College’s automotive training technology





18:09 PM


Jobs and Education for Texans grant providing for advanced equipment to meet workforce shortage and complex skill set requirements of automotive repair industry; Dual Enrollment students with four partnering ISDs to benefit from grant purchases

Article by Melinda Eddleman

As a community college, Del Mar College prides itself on being deeply involved with area high schools and working in collaboration with industry partners to address workforce needs. This collaboration ensures that our programs align with the latest industry standards, equipping students with the advanced skills needed to excel in today’s automotive repair industry.

Paul Creacy, Interim Chair of the Architecture, Aviation and Automotive Department

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Dual Enrollment CTE students will not only earn credits toward the program’s Level I and II Certificates or the Associate in Applied Science degree, they’ll also earn high school credits toward graduation. And, because of their school’s partnership with the college and the new funding model from House Bill 8, their training is tuition-free.

The DMC Automotive Applied Technology Program is in its final phase for accreditation from the Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) Foundation with support from local industry partners.

In addition to earning certificates and an associate’s degree from the college, students who complete ASE certification will be considered prime candidates for hire in the automotive repair industry. And, this new equipment will enhance their learning experience as well as our  faculty’s ability to increase student engagement that would not have been available otherwise.

Dara Betz, Workforce Programs Director with DMC Corporate Services

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About Del Mar College

Del Mar College empowers students to achieve their dreams. We offer quality programs, individual attention, outstanding instruction through faculty with real-world experience and affordable costs to credit and noncredit students in Corpus Christi and the South Texas Coastal Bend area. Nationally recognized while locally focused, we’re ranked in the top two percent of community colleges in the country granting associate degrees to Hispanic students (Community College Week). Del Mar College focuses on offering our students programs that match current or emerging career opportunities. Whether students are interested in the fine arts, sciences, business, occupational or technical areas, students get the education they need for the future they want at Del Mar College.

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