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Del Mar College’s Nurse Education Department pins 55 RN degree completers during ceremony on Dec. 11 in Richardson Performance Hall





22:30 PM


Program also recognized 16 RNs earning College’s Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree and five Licensed Vocational Nurse graduates who recited traditional Florence Nightingale Pledge

Article by: Richard Guerrero, Jr.

The long journey to a nursing credential is one step closer to completion for 76 graduates who were recognized at the Del Mar College Nurse Education Fall 2024 Pinning Ceremony on Dec. 11 in Richardson Performance Hall. During the traditional ceremony, department officials pinned 55 students who have completed requirements for the Registered Nurse (RN) Associate Degree. The program also included 16 graduates of the Bachelor of Science in Nursing (RN to BSN) Program as well as five graduates from the Licensed Vocational Nursing program.

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Dr. Casey Moebius, DMC Assistant Professor and Assistant Chairperson of the Department of Nurse Education, served as ceremony host, and Dr. Jennifer McWha, DMC Chairperson of the Department of Nurse Education and RN to BSN Program Director, provided opening remarks. Dr. Linda Earwood, ADN/LVN Program Director and DMC Assistant Professor, recognized the graduates.

Emily Petrikas, a DMC instructor who is in her third year in the Nurse Education Department and is a Staff Nurse in the Emergency Department at Christus Spohn Hospital, will serve as the faculty speaker. Her talk addressed the topic of community as well as acting as agents of change in a dynamic and challenging health care environment.  

Petrikas encouraged the nursing graduates to advocate for better working conditions and to remain committed to bedside nursing, rather than leave the profession.  

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Dr. Casey Moebius served as ceremony host.

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Dr. Jennifer McWha provided opening remarks.

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Dr. Linda Earwood recognized the graduates.

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Kristie Raspe served as the AND Student Speaker.

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Emily Petrikas served as the faculty speaker.

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Dr. Casey Moebius congratulates a graduate in the Fall 2024 Department of Nurse Education class.

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Dr. Linda Earwood congratulates a graduate in the Fall 2024 Department of Nurse Education class.

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Dr. Linda Earwood congratulates a graduate in the Fall 2024 Department of Nurse Education class.

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Del Mar College empowers students to achieve their dreams. We offer quality programs, individual attention, outstanding instruction through faculty with real-world experience and affordable costs to credit and noncredit students in Corpus Christi and the South Texas Coastal Bend area. Nationally recognized while locally focused, we’re ranked in the top two percent of community colleges in the country granting associate degrees to Hispanic students (Community College Week). Del Mar College focuses on offering our students programs that match current or emerging career opportunities. Whether students are interested in the fine arts, sciences, business, occupational or technical areas, students get the education they need for the future they want at Del Mar College.

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