Week of November 4
- Tue 510:30 AMSLCL Experience: Windward Campus"Vibing with Voc!" Engage and vibe with Voc at the Windward campus every Tuesday! Entertainment on campus with music, fun and games! Pizza on the first Tuesday of the month!
- Wed 610:30 AMSLCL Experience: Oso Creek Campus"Vibing with Voc!" Engage and vibe with Voc at the Oso Creek campus every Wednesday! Entertainment on campus with music, fun and games! Pizza on the first Wednesday of the month!
- Wed 611:00 AMMeet the Career Counselors [In-person]Meet your Career Counselor on November 6th from 11-1:30 pm at one of the three campus locations to ask questions, find out about department events and collect career readiness resources while enjoying free pizza!
- Wed 612:30 PMFirst Generation CelebrationCelebrating First Generation Students! Free food & drinks!Be recognized for your fierce leadership in being the first generation of your family to pursue your academic dreams! DMC & TRiO are here to support you all the way to the finish line, and beyond!Register by contacting Stacy Salinas at ssalinas129@delmar.edu.
- Thu 711:00 AMWhat is TRiO?Stop by our TRiO Office to learn more about how TRiO Support Services can help you!