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Local Chapter of Texas Restaurant Association Presents $20,000 Check on May 21 for Scholarships Supporting Culinary Arts, Baking & Pastry and Hospitality Management Majors





07:00 AM


2023-2024 grads also receive coats during recognition ceremony

Article by Melinda Eddleman

Their passion is part of an industry that helps drive the Coastal Bend economy––the food and beverage industry––which goes hand-in-hand with eating local if you live here and providing some of the best cuisine to tourists who visit the region. And, whether these professionals work in the kitchen whipping up savory morsels or sweet concoctions or manage the front of the house, greet guests or make sure operations run smoothly, the Del Mar College (DMC) Culinary Arts, Baking & Pastry and Hospitality Management Programs prepare students for careers in an industry that can satiate the palate and provide a variety of dining experiences unique to the area.

Lisa Pollakis and May Mendoza with Hospitality and Culinary Student Organization officers and Oversized Check_052124

Lisa Pollakis and May Mendoza with Hospitality and Culinary Student Organization officers and Oversized Check_052124

To ensure these students training for careers through the College’s programs have the financial resources to fulfill their passions and local workforce needs, the Texas Restaurant Association Coastal Bend Chapter (TRA-CBC) presented an oversized $20,000 check on May 21  supporting the Coastal Bend Restaurant Association Scholarship administered through the DMC Foundation. The funds will support between 10 to 15 students pursuing their certificates or associate degrees from DMC to become culinary and hospitality professionals.

The TRA-CBC has a long history of providing scholarship funds beginning 25 years ago; and in 2017, the chapter presented $70,000 to support DMC students training for the industry.

The same day, the TRA-CBC also held their 3rd Annual Flavors of the Coastal Bend on the College’s Oso Creek Campus to showcase regional restaurants and bakers, allowing attendees to taste and savor the cuisine and sweets presented to them before voting for their favorites. Several DMC Culinary Arts students participated as part of this year’s Flavors of the Coastal Bend to offer their own delectable bites and sumptuous sweets as a means to demonstrate their own acumen and creativity with food.

Faculty Lisa Pollakis and Israel Villanueva_Culinary Arts Student_Coat Recognition Ceremony 052124

Faculty Lisa Pollakis and Israel Villanueva_Culinary Arts Student_Coat Recognition Ceremony 052124

Prior to the TRA-CBC’s check presentation, the Hospitality and Culinary Student Organization (HCSO), or student club, presented 20 coats during a Graduation Recognition and Coat Ceremony to graduates who completed their programs in December 2023 and May 2024 and to those students expected to graduate this August. Club members gave 19 white chef’s coats to Culinary Arts graduates and one blue coat to a Hospitality Management graduate. Additionally, those who completed the required number of volunteer hours for the club received red cords.

The Coat Recognition Ceremony was only the third such recognition held by the Culinary and Hospitality Student Organization with the last one in 2022. Held in 2019, the first ceremony was organized by faculty with presentation of cords only.

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Del Mar College Baking & Pastry Instructor Elizabeth Tresider addresses DMC students with the Culinary Arts, Baking & Pastry and Hospitality Management Programs during a Coat Presentation and Recognition Ceremony held at the Oso Creek Campus on May 21 to honor and recognize the hard work of 2023-2024 graduates. (Credit: DMC College Relations)

Faculty Claudia Hurt_Elizabeth Tresider_Lisa Pollakis and Baking and Pastry Student_Coat Recognition Ceremony 052124

Del Mar College Baking & Pastry Instructor Elizabeth Tresider hands a white coat to a DMC graduate from the program as other faculty members look on. A Coat Pr3esenttion and Recognition Ceremony was held at the Oso Creek Campus on May 21 to present white chef’s coats to 19 Culinary Arts and Baking & Pastry 2023-2024 graduates, along with a blue coat for one Hospitality Management graduates, to honor their hard work and entry into their chosen fields. (Credit: DMC College Relations)

About Del Mar College

Del Mar College empowers students to achieve their dreams. We offer quality programs, individual attention, outstanding instruction through faculty with real-world experience and affordable costs to credit and noncredit students in Corpus Christi and the South Texas Coastal Bend area. Nationally recognized while locally focused, we’re ranked in the top two percent of community colleges in the country granting associate degrees to Hispanic students (Community College Week). Del Mar College focuses on offering our students programs that match current or emerging career opportunities. Whether students are interested in the fine arts, sciences, business, occupational or technical areas, students get the education they need for the future they want at Del Mar College.

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