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DMC Board of Regents Called Meeting (1-14-2025)

Questions Short Cuts 00:17:08 - [Carol] I'm gonna ask you a trick question.00:17:45 - [Carol] If we took dual credit out of the figures, would00:22:31 - [Carl] About the financial aid and Pell Awards after00:22:57 - [Carl] And what is the Pell grant amount right now?00:24:00 - [Carl] So what about scholarships students that get00:24:21 - [Carl] So what if the scholarship from some source00:25:20 - [Carl] Not necessarily foundation scholarships, but00:27:06 – [Lenora] And how many students?00:27:08 – [Carl] Yeah, well, I just want to get some, you00:31:22 - [Laurie] So how is the college covering for these costs?00:31:56 - [Bill] I was listening to the cohort or the definition00:32:26 – [Carl] Yes, and this is a question I asked Dr. Escamilla earlier,00:37:20 - [Carol] So before we get into the financial model and kind of00:38:28 - [Rudy] Yeah, I'm excited about this particular initiative00:40:29 - [Rudy] But even conversations with the workforce,00:41:14 – [Rudy] A larger number, and it's gonna affect00:41:27 - [Carol] If you have under 30 hours regardless of your age00:41:29 - [Carol] Okay, but regardless of age, there's not an age00:42:10 - [David] Yes, so when I talked to Mark about this00:43:00 - [David] Okay, so it's less than 30 hours from us.00:43:21 – [David] So 12 credit hours per fall and spring00:45:04 – [David] One other thing, I am still constantly00:46:02 – [Bill] Yeah, this might seem ironic coming from me,00:46:22 - [Carol] So what are the criteria to end the pilot00:47:09 – [David] I had a comment on some of the00:50:54 - [Carl] You made a comment about 57%00:51:04 – [Carl] Okay, what is the percentage of students00:52:38 - [Carl] Is that because they never applied00:55:08 - [Bill] Yeah, I think you may have misspoke00:55:24 - [Laurie] Okay, so just that cohort and how many00:55:29 - [Laurie] How many students are we looking at?00:55:55 - [Laurie] And we're just gonna pay it.00:57:29 – [Bill] So to be clear, this original cohort could get00:57:48 - [Carol] And you're making an assumption of 54101:00:09 - [Lenora] Well, and to clarify the cohort for01:00:30 - [David] So I mean, I kind of heard something a01:00:53 - [David] So you get 60 hours of tuition and fee01:01:29 - [David] And so this is assuming 541, which is01:02:31 – [David] Okay, so we had how many full-time01:03:04 – [David] Yeah, so on the completions, what01:04:02 – [David] Assuming that by doing this,01:04:45 – [David] Okay. I know the foundation raised01:06:18 – [Mark] So potentially, Matthew, the foundation01:07:48 – [David] I just wanted to suggest, you know,01:09:33 - [Laurie] When is the first cohort is being01:11:50 - [Carol] I have some questions about the financial01:12:43 - [Carol] FTIC is not the correct funding assumption01:13:03 – [Laurie] Students coming in with like 32, 3401:14:57 – [Carol] So the financial forecast, is this financial01:15:08 – [Carol] So if we're gonna, are we going to have a01:16:34 - [Carol] Okay, and so cohort number... So then01:17:38 - [Carol] So I wanna understand that, can someone01:18:10 - [Carol] A student can enter at any time. I'd like to see01:19:04 - [Carol] And then my last question is around the student01:21:34 – [Rudy] My thought is two, if you've already got01:22:41 – [Rudy] The other question is, I mean, I like to take01:23:27 – [Rudy] And then I'm thinking too, because if the01:26:37 – [Carl] Okay, in this conversation, and several01:27:03 – [Carl] Okay. That clears that up. The comment01:28:31 – [Carl] Right, I think the other comment made Mr. Garcia01:33:51 – [Carol] The question was around the connection01:34:46 – [Rudy] Yes. Didn't we get a grant to be able to do01:36:08 – [David] Well, Kingsville did a deal at our graduation01:36:39 – [David] I understand that. But, you know, so it was01:36:58 – [David] Okay. I just wanna kinda on the dual credit01:38:36- [Carol] But we do not get a matriculation outcome01:38:48 - [David] So I mean, the reason I asked how many01:41:02 - [David] Have you done any analysis on how much01:43:04 – [David] Yeah, I mean I would say on the budgeting01:44:00- [David] One more thing. We have some superstars01:45:40 - [Laurie] Well, even if you finish your two year degree01:45:51 - [Carol] So that's a good... Is there's a opportunity up01:47:27 – [Bill] So I heard David and Laurie, I think ask two very01:48:27 - [Carol] I have two more points around the funding01:49:46 – [Carl] So we're running a risk there of having a program01:50:11 – [Carol] Throw that out there. The other question is,01:52:56 – [David] I wanted to go on the governor's thing.01:54:25 – [David] Okay, yeah, I mean I guess, yeah, another01:54:40 – [David] My first meeting where I was like, why is this

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