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DMC Board of Regents Called Meeting 7-23-24

Called Meeting of the Del Mar College Board of Regents for Tuesday July 23, 2024. (Some Audio and Video Portions of the Meeting are missing due to a technical issue)00:00 AGENDA 00:15 CALL TO ORDER 01:44 GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENTS 02:06 DISCUSSION - Maintenance & Operations Budget /Debt Service Budget Fiscal Year 2024-2025 56:22 REGULAR AGENDA - College's Internal Audit Activity 01:11:34 REGULAR AGENDA - Revisions to Board Policy B9.1 Policy Prohibiting Sexual Misconduct (Title IX) 01:12:47 REGULAR AGENDA - Update to College Free Speech Policy 01:22:27 CLOSED SESSION 01:23:53 CALENDAR 01:24:17 ADJOURNMENT